Prepare your Setup
Prepare your setup to eCPPTv2 certification.
Here I will explain my setup, for me, it works. I hope it will work for you too.
We know the basic access is through a VPN I configure my account on a router and connect a switch to It.
Local LAN for Exam Build
This router will connect to my main router and firewall and I will configure the VPN connection to the Lab on it. I can get a more stable connection this way and avoid network/performance problems on the attacker machine.
Just a cheap unmanaged switch to connect all machines needed to perform the exam.
Buffer Overflows - Windows 7
Then I connected my Windows 7 machine dedicated to buffer overflows to the switch and my attack machine. Equipped with Immunity debugger and Mona.
And Ghidra in case I am stuck...
Attack Machine - Kali
Kali machine is fully updated, I know most people don't recommend this. After fully updating I start configuring all the Operating Systems and tools as I like.
I wrote a script to this for me, you can use it:
Cracking Machine - Debian
I've my cracking machine prepared with all wordlists, keys, hashes, rainbow tables, and all the tools needed to create new wordlists.
Burp Suite Professional
In case you enjoy burp suite and can't afford it like me I recommend creating a new professional email and subscribing for a new trial. Do this 3 days before the exam to ensure you receive the license key in time.
In 24 hours max in have our key.
Request it at: 01:05
Arrive at:
Ping me on Discord in case you need an email to request your trial.
Nessus Professional
Ok why Nessus? Why Not? I can do it by hand
Arrive 48 Hours later
Last updated
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