Prepare your Setup

Here I will explain my setup, for me it works. I hope it will work for you too.

We know the basic access is thought a VPN I configure the my account on a router and connect a switch to It.

Local LAN for Exam Build


This router will connect to my main router and firewall and I will configure the VPN connection to the Lab on it. I can get a more stable connection this way and avoid networks/performance problems on the attacker machine.


Just a cheap unmanaged switch to connect all machines needed to perform the exam.

Buffer Overflows - Windows 7

Then I connected my Windows 7 machine dedicated to buffer overflows to the switch and my attack machine. Equipped with Immunity debugger and Mona.

And Ghidra in case I am stuck...

Attack Machine - Kali

Kali machine fully updated, I know must people don't recommend this. After fully update I start configuring all the Operating System and tools as I like.

I wrote a script to this for me, you can use it:

Cracking Machine - Debian

I've my cracking machine prepare with all wordlists, keys, hashs, rainbow tables and all the tools needed to create new wordlists.

Last updated